Description + Attributes:
Poplars are the thoroughbreds of the tree world. Their claim to fame is speed, with vertical growth of 5–8' per year not being uncommon. It also works well for visual screens and hillside or sand dune stabilization. While nice for quick shade, the hybrid poplar should only be planted in landscape where occasional limb breakage is not a problem. Used in windbreaks, visual screens and provides quick tree cover.
- Will not tolerate drought on upland sites.
- Usually requires a high water table on coarse-textured soils.
- Leaf is 2-5” long and 2-5” wide. The leaf is green to dark green with a yellow fall color.
- Can be grown for a number of uses including firewood, chemical runoff filtration, windbreak protection (while slower-growing species mature), paper and fuel.
- Grows in an oval shape.
- Has a relatively short lifespan.
- Is prone to limb breakage and is therefore not recommended for planting next to play areas, patios, sidewalks or anywhere else damage may be caused.
Tree Type
Shade Tree
Mature Size
Height 40’-60’ & Width 20’-35’
Growth Rate
Wildlife Value
Young trees can be a food source for deer and small animals such as rabbits, mice and beaver.
Full Sun
Clay loams to sandy loams.
Minor Drought Tolerance
Norway Poplar - Bundle of 25 - Bare Root
Only 5 left in stock